
Sun Season Approximately July 23- August 22

Element Fire

Ruling Planet The Sun

House 5th

Symbol The Lion

Stuff To Love Confident, generous, warm, loyal

Stuff to look out for Egotistical, demanding, self-centered

Powered by the Sun, their ruling planet, Leo energy eseudes confidence, vitality, creative power, and a clearly defines sense of self.

Leo energy reminds us to live big, wild, creative, and proud.

Why We Need Leo Energy

The Sun’s journey through its home sign of Leo takes place during the dead center of the summer season, when the days are longest and the temperature is hottest. While Cancer season is all about tending to our emotions, Leo takes us out of that watery and moonlit hibernation and drags us directly out into the sunshine without skipping a beat. This is a time to embrace the heat and intensity of midsummer energy. Soon the days will start getting shorter, and Leo wants you to show off who you are with confidence and zeal!

How We Can Work with the Energy of Leo Season

If you’re feeling shy about sharing your artwork or passion, putting yourself out there for a lover or job, or feeling stuck in the throes of imposter syndrome, ask yourself, “What would Leo do?”

Leo would primp up the best parts of themselves, and then shine, just like the Sun itself. Leos have confidence, but that doesn’t mean this signs energy isn’t also riddled with insecurities. The downside of having such a large ego is that its sheer size makes it a bit fragile at time, and needs twice the stroking and gassing up. The difference, though, is that at the end of the day, Leo energy knows what it is. It knows how strong, vital, bright, and important it is. So the next time you’re feeling less than confident about something, channel your inner Leo to rawr your way through and grab the spotlight that is rightfully yours.

- Astrology For Life, Nina Kahn, Pages 132-135


Ignite the Fire within


Rose Quartz